Drinking Wine For A Healthy Heart? The Benefit Of Wine Does Not Come From Alcohol But THIS Ingredient

Benefit Of Wine: You must have heard that red wine is good for your heart health, but alcohol is not the ingredient that helps keep your heart healthy. Find out which ingredient helps manage heart problems.

You have heard about the benefits of drinking red wine, including those for cardiovascular diseases. Red wine is sometimes thought to be a healthy option, especially since it is associated with the Mediterranean diet. However, while it is frequently included in traditional diets, it is not a necessary component and should be consumed in moderation. It contains antioxidants, which reportedly have a range of benefits. But did you know that alcohol-free wine is just as good for your heart as real wine?

Benefits of red wine | Sound Health and Lasting Wealth

Benefit Of Wine Does Not Come From Alcohol But THIS Ingredient

According to researchers at Anglia Ruskin University, it’s not alcohol, but the benefit of wine comes from antioxidants in grapes. For the study, the team researched about 45,000 people aged 40 to 69 to look at the impact of moderate alcohol consumption on their health. In comparison to non-drinkers and binge drinkers, persons who drank up to 11 glasses of wine per week had a 40% lower risk of coronary heart disease, according to a study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition.

The same lowered risk was discovered in individuals who drank non-alcoholic versions on a daily basis, indicating the benefits of grapes, according to the findings.

Polyphenols In Grapes Help With Heart Diseases

Grapes are high in polyphenols, antioxidants that can help the inner lining of the heart work better and raise healthy cholesterol levels. Drinking a moderate amount of beer, cider, or spirits, on the other hand, was connected to a 10% increased risk. According to the researcher Dr. Rudolph Schutte, Associate Professor at the university, there is an “undeniable protective beneficial relationship” and drinking grape-based alcohol. “This relationship is also seen for alcohol-free wine, so it suggests the benefits are thanks to the polyphenols in the wine rather than the alcohol,” he said.

Alcohol Can Increase The Risk Instead Of Reducing It

While the positive affirmations of the drink favour a non-alcoholic drink, alcohol are not attributed as a favorable drink to control the risk of any disease. As per the report, the positive connections between wine and health advantages are countered by other hazards, particularly cancer. The study discovered that those who drank low amounts of beer, cider, and spirits had greater rates of heart and cerebrovascular illness, cancer, and mortality. Researchers also noted that their findings “do not support the notion that alcohol from any drink type is beneficial to health.”

Schutte said that individuals who abstain from alcohol for various pre-existing health reasons will make up a group of non-drinkers, making this reference group startlingly high-risk. When a group of low to moderate drinkers is compared to this ‘risky’ reference group of non-drinkers, it could be mistakenly concluded that alcohol is healthy.

Also Read: Green Grapes: Health Benefits, Side Effects, And Nutritional Value

This post first appeared on The Health Site

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