The minimum recovery period for hip replacement surgery is 6-12 weeks. The recovery will be faster and smoother if these self-rehabilitation tips are followed diligently.

Often referred to as the Ball and Socket joint, the hip joint is the most stable and the strongest joint in a human body. The joint consists of a number of muscles connected to the bones through chords called tendons. Minor trauma or fall will not break or dislocate the hip joint as it is made to withstand regular wear and tear. The most crucial function performed by the hip joint is to provide movement to the thighs and bear weight.

Osteoarthritis, osteonecrosis, and rheumatoid arthritis are some of the conditions that can lead to the need for a hip replacement. In addition, a serious injury or blunt trauma can cause irreparable damage to the hip bone, necessitating a hip replacement procedure. In most cases, the pain can be managed through alternative treatment and physical therapy, and hip replacement is considered when all of these do not work.

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Hip replacement should be considered if the pain lasts more than a few days. Any pain in the hip that makes it difficult to walk, bend, sit, or interferes with day-to-day tasks notwithstanding the pain medication may need further assessment. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and it involves minor risks like all other surgical procedures.

Post-surgery, it is imperative to take certain steps for a faster recovery and rehabilitation. Hip replacement surgery requires a lot of self-rehabilitation in order to make recovery faster:

Set Goals

Certified therapists are needed to help the patients with post-surgery rehabilitation as it is one of the most crucial aspects. While the therapists will guide you to take steps that are needed, it is equally important to set goals for yourself every week. For the therapy to yield better results, it is imperative that the patient sets their own milestones and work on reaching them.

Understand the restrictions

Pay attention to what your body is telling you and work within those limits. It is a good idea to push yourself a little but do not over-exhaust the replaced joint. Any excessive pressure or wrong stretch can damage the newly fitted hip and lead to a longer recovery period.

Manage the pain

Make sure there is enough pain medication that prevents the pain from interfering with physical therapy. Keep in touch with the doctor to understand when to make changes to the pain management plan.

Balance the persistence with patience

It is completely normal to want a fast recovery and get back in the saddle. But balance is the key and getting enough rest while doing physical therapy. The key is to achieve the best combination of persistence and patience to get fitter every day.

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Use Support of a Stick or Crane

Ensure taking support while walking as a simple fall or injury shortly after surgery can cause complications.


The minimum recovery period for hip replacement surgery is 6-12 weeks and it is likely that most patients will be able to resume their routine in this window. The recovery will be faster and smoother if these self-rehabilitation tips are followed diligently. In addition, a healthy diet and sleep routine will further speed up the process of recovery.

The inputs are shared by Dr. Veerendra M, Orthopedic Surgeon at Apollo Spectra Hospital Hyderabad.

This post first appeared on The Health Site

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