Urinary Incontinence: Does laughing, sneezing makes you pee without even your knowledge? This is not normal and it can be one of the warning signs that can lead to incontinence. Read to know everything.
Are you ignoring your bladder problem? Does laughing, sneezing makes you pee without even your knowledge? This is not normal and it can be one of the warning signs that can lead to incontinence. It is an extremely common condition among women that can turn fatal and life-threatening if left untreated. What is this condition exactly? The human body has several complex functions which run body. Urine storage and emptying is complex coordination between bladder and urethra, and disturbances in the system due to childbirth, ageing, or other medical conditions can lead to urinary incontinence.
Urinary Incontinence All You Need To Know
As discussed above, urinary incontinence simply means leaking urine, due to weak pelvic floor muscles or other symptoms like the urge to urinate, unable to empty bladder, frequent bathroom visits. Which can be very irritating for the mind and also for the genitals at times. “This is a very serious issue among women as it can lead to other fatal conditions in the genitals. In common words, urinary incontinence can range from leaking just a few drops of urine to complete emptying of the bladder,” an expert quoted as saying. ALSO READ: Could divorce be next big social change post-Covid?
A pregnant woman is more at risk of developing this condition during the period of pregnancy. Reports suggest that at least 4 in 10 women get urinary incontinence during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that as the baby grows, there is a constant pressure that gets built on the bladder, urethra, and pelvic floor muscles. In case of normal delivery during labour and childbirth weakness of pelvic floor muscles.
Warning Signs And Symptoms To Know
As we always say, the first step to stay fit and disease-free is by knowing the warning signs and symptoms of the diseases which can affect your body. When it comes to Urinary Incontinence, here are the symptoms you should never ignore:
- Urgency
- Having a strong urge to urinate
- Frequency
- Frequent urination than regular
- Nocturne
- Waking up from sleep to urinate
- Dysuria
- Painful urination
- Nocturnal enuresis
- Wetting bed while sleeping
Urinary Incontinence Types To Know
Urinary incontinence is often divided into 3 distinct subtypes:
- Stress Incontinence
- Urge Incontinence
- Mixed Incontinence
What Can Be Done?
- Quit smoking
- Balance diet
- Weight check
This post first appeared on The Health Site