Vitamin D Deficiency: Effective Ways to Increase Your Vitamin D Levels While At Home

Vitamin D plays a very important role in our body and helps the body to stay protected from serious health issues vital role in our body by keeping one away from chronic health issues.

Stuck at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic? It is more than a year now that the coronavirus infection has forced us all to stay at home. Many reports have suggested that the sudden change in the lifestyle with reduced exposure to sunlight and people can actually lead to some of the serious health complications such as extreme fatigue, obesity, and most importantly some severe Vitamin deficiencies. One of the most common ones is Vitamin D deficiency. According to the experts, with bare minimum exposure to sunlight, the main source of Vitamin D, we are risking our bone health and immune system. An acute deficiency in Vitamin D deficiency can lead to long-term adverse effects on the body and mind. But, don’t worry, we get it. Here is what celebrity nutritionist Sikha A. Sharma Sikha A. Sharma wants you to know about the deficiency of Vitamin D and ways you can get it while sitting at home.

Importance of Vitamin-D

Vitamin D plays a very important role in our body and helps the body to stay protected from serious health issues vital role in our body by keeping one away from health issues like heart diseases, hypertension, diabetes, bacterial infections, immunity disorder, rapid-aging, some types of cancers, and multiple sclerosis.

Symptoms of Vitamin-D Deficiency

According to the experts, Vitamin D deficiency does not always show any notable symptoms, but acute deficiency may cause some of the major health complications such as:

  1. Muscle cramps
  2. Backache
  3. Extreme fatigue
  4. Depression and anxiety attacks
  5. The problem is getting sleep which can also lead to sleep disorder and other problems related to sleeping issues.

Ways To Get Vitamin-D at During Pandemic

  • Sun exposure is the best source of Vitamin D. One must try to soak in the early morning at least twice a week for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  • There are various food items rich in vitamin D like — cod liver oil, coriander, orange, yoghurt, cheese, garlic, dark chocolate, black mustard seeds, mushrooms, turmeric, and Kashmiri garlic — which can help one boost their immunity naturally.
  • One can also take Vitamin D supplements available at medical stores, however, it is advisable to consult a physician before consuming medical supplements.

Increase Your Vitamin-D Rich Foods Intake

  • Have two cloves of garlic or 4-5 cloves of Kashmiri garlic early in the morning on an empty stomach, and after dinner.
  • A tiny bit of dark chocolate once a day is also a good source of Vitamin D.
  • Having mushrooms once a week will help balance vitamin D levels in one’s body. One should try and include bajra or ragi roti in meals as well, to quicken the process of upping the vitamin level.
  • Consumption of black mustard seeds and half a tablespoon of turmeric powder are helpful to boost vitamin D levels.

Can Too Much Vitamin-D be Harmful?

Strangely enough, one cannot get too much Vitamin D from the sun but can overdo the supplements causing various problems. Vitamin D toxicity is, thankfully, quite rare but it can lead to hypercalcemia symptoms of which are: nausea, increased thirst and urination, and poor appetite. Fret not, and try to lead a more natural way of life by eating seasonal foods and home-cooked meals, and being active in day-to-day life. These simple practices will keep the body and mind fit.

This post first appeared on The Health Site

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