4 key foods to eat to boost your vitamin D levels

Foods to eat to boost your vitamin D levels: The sunshine vitamin, vitamin D, is a crucial nutrient for your diet. Especially as we get older, vitamin D diet is needed to maintain healthy bones, teeth and muscles. But what foods contain high levels of vitamin D?

As we head into the winter months in the UK, it is recommended everyone over the age of four takes a vitamin D supplement.

This is because although our bodies normally create vitamin D from sunlight, there is not enough sunshine in the winter for us to do this.

If you’re aged over 65, this puts you at greater risk of developing a vitamin D deficiency this winter.

Although vitamin D deficiency is perhaps most commonly associated with children developing rickets, did you know adults can also develop bone defects from a lack of vitamin D?

Adults can develop a painful bone condition called osteomalacia as a result of too little vitamin D.

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So, if you want to keep your bones in good health this winter, you should consider taking a vitamin D supplement.

You can also get vitamin D from some foods, so maybe you should add some vitamin D-licious dishes to your diet.

Jenna Hope, nutritionist and brand ambassador for Inspired Villages, says: “Alongside protein to support bone health, a few key micronutrients include Vitamin D, calcium and Vitamin K.

“Calcium is important for supporting bone mineral density in all older adults but is particularly important in post-menopausal women, who have lower levels of oestrogen.

“Vitamin D is essential for absorbing calcium into the blood.”

4 key foods to eat to boost your vitamin D levels
4 key foods to eat to boost your vitamin D levels

So, what foods are high in vitamin D?

Oily fish

Fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines are a fantastic – and tasty – source of vitamin D.

A can of sardines contains around 20 percent of your daily recommended vitamin D.

Fish is also a great source of omega 3, which is good for heart health, and protein so they keep you full of energy.


Egg yolks aren’t just the colour of sunshine, they also contain high levels of the ‘sunshine vitamin’: vitamin D.

The Happy Egg Co says two of their large eggs provide 94 percent of your recommended daily vitamin D.

Why not enjoy scrambled eggs with smoked salmon for a delicious, vitamin D-filled, brunch?


Did you know mushrooms are the only naturally occurring plant-based form of vitamin D?

Just like humans, mushrooms create vitamin D from sunlight.

Some wild mushrooms can even provide three times the recommended daily amount of vitamin D.

Fortified products

One really easy way of topping up your vitamin D, is by choosing foods with added vitamin D.Check the box of your favourite cereals and see whether they are fortified with extra vitamin D.

Don’t forget, it’s difficult to get your entire recommended daily vitamin D through your diet, so taking a supplement too is a good idea.

Supplements can also be a convenient way to get the peace of mind you’ve hit your vitamin D target for the day.

Jenna Hope says: “Ensuring adults retain enough Vitamin D through the diet can be challenging as sources are limited to oily fish, milk, mushrooms and fortified products.

“Because of this, we mainly get Vitamin D from the sun; however, as the UK has limited access to sunlight during winter, it’s recommended to supplement with 10µg per day.”

Post source Daily Express

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