A slice of cake a day keeps the doctor away - The Queen's surprising secret to good health

A slice of cake a day can be the solution to better health.

With minimal trips to hospital, Queen Elizabeth II has taken the process of getting older in her stride. The few times she has been in hospital have been for surgeries on both of her knees and to remove two small lesions on her face. After a swift recovery, the monarch was seen leaving her private hospital after only two nights, proving that nothing can keep her down for long.  Now, in a biography, author Bryan Kozlowski reveals what it is she does that keeps her fighting fit.

The novel Long Live the Queen, features the extensive research of Kozlowski, which he conducted through public records and coverage of the monarch’s entire life and as a result reveals the Queen’s “rules for life.”

The demands of royal life can be strenuous as we can all imagine and as Kozlowski reveals, one way in which the Queen deals with this pressure is by unapologetically eating treats.

Throwing medical professionals advice out of the window, the Queen is known to indulge herself in treats including baked goods, cake and alcohol – could this be the key to longevity?

In the past comments made by Her Majesty’s former chef, Darren McGrady were taken out of proportion in consideration of how much she likes to drink.

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He first suggested that the monarch drinks four alcoholic drinks every day, which would mean she far surpasses the recommended alcohol limit of 14 units per week.


But later the chef spoke again to clarify that in fact the Queen does not drink every day, but when she does her favourite drink is a gin and Dubonnet.

Her favourite German sweet wine is also a popular accompaniment when she is eating dinner.

When it comes to food, British Heritage reported that it is well known the Queen has a sweet tooth.

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McGrady was able to shed some more light on this topic, revealing that chocolate biscuit cake was the “only cake that goes back again and again and again everyday until it’s all gone”.

The chef who worked for Her Majesty for 15 years added: “She’ll take a small slice every day until eventually there is only one tiny piece, but you have to send that up, she wants to finish the whole of that cake.”

Does this mean that contrary to belief, it is in fact a slice of cake a day that keeps the doctor away?

Kozlowski also revealed that other sweet treats including scones, small raspberry jam sandwiches and shortbread go down well with the Queen.

Some medical experts do believe that depriving yourself of sweet treats and other ‘unhealthy’ foods can backfire and cause bad mental health.

This feeling of anxiety and depression then leads to individuals binge eating the foods they are trying to stay away from, causing an unhealthy cycle.

Despite this understanding that sweet treats can be a good thing, experts stipulate that eating these foods in moderation is key.

The Health Survey for England in 2019 estimated that 28 percent of adults are obsese with a further 36.2 percent classed as overweight. In addition, one in every five children aged between 10 and 11 are also classed as obese.

It is the dangers of obesity that make eating unhealthy foods in moderation crucially important.

Obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or above.

Many health risks increase when you are clinically obese. This includes type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, strokes and some types of cancer.

If you or someone you know is suffering with obesity, the best treatment is a healthy reduced-calorie diet and regular exercise.

Post sourceDaily Express

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