Aspirin Benefit-Risk Ratio: Researchers and collaborators at Florida Atlantic University’s Schmidt Medical College guide primary care providers and their patients from their perspective. “Primary care providers need to prescribe aspirin to prevent cardiovascular disease based on risk benefits rather than age.” Journal Family Medicine and Community Medicine, UK Medical Journal.

To do their best for most patients in the primary prevention of heart attacks and stroke, the authors should make individual clinical decisions about prescribing aspirin on a case-by-case basis based on the benefits to risk. Claims to be. Not age.

They conducted the latest meta-analysis. It adds the results of the four recent trials to the previous comprehensive meta-analysis of the previous six major trials. Of individual exams.

“The decision to prescribe long-term aspirin therapy to an apparently healthy individual weighs the absolute benefits of coagulation against the absolute risk of bleeding, between the healthcare provider and each of its patients. Should be based on the individual clinical judgment of the patient, “said Sarah. K. Wood, MD, Senior Author and Interim Dean, FAU Schmidt Medical College.

“Patients should consult their GP for long-term use of aspirin or over-the-counter medications.” – Aspirin Benefit-Risk Ratio

FAU collaborated with key clinical researchers at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and School of Public Health, Harvard University School of Medicine, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. The authors state that primary care providers have the most insight and knowledge to work with patients to make appropriate recommendations.

“Primary care providers should also receive 325 milligrams of regular aspirin promptly and then daily to reduce mortality and the risk of subsequent heart attack or stroke for all patients suffering from an acute heart attack. You should be aware that there is, “Charles said. H. Hennekens, MD, Dr. PH, co-author, first professor of Sir Richard Doll and senior academic advisor at FAU Schmidt Medical College.

“In addition, among long-term survivors of a previous heart attack or obstructive stroke, aspirin should be prescribed for a long time, unless there are certain contraindications. However, primary prophylaxis is lower than secondary prophylaxis. Patients who have a balance of benefits, and the same aspirin risk as secondary prophylaxis, must be an individual clinical judgment. “

The authors found that the increased burden of cardiovascular disease in developed and developing countries is more widespread, as is the proven net benefit and adjunct use of affordable drug therapy in the primary prevention of heart attacks and strokes. Emphasizes the need for lifestyle changes.

Therapeutic lifestyle changes should include avoiding or quitting smoking, weight loss, and increased daily physical activity. The drug should include statins for lipid modification and multiple classes of drugs that may be needed to achieve control of hypertension.

“Patient preferences are always important to decision-making when absolute benefits and risks are similar, but we assume that patient preferences will become even more important,” said FAU Schmidt Medical College co-author and co-author. Associate Professor Lisa C. Martinez, Doctor of Medicine, said.

“This may include consideration of whether prevention of the first heart attack or stroke is a more important consideration for the patient than the risk of serious gastrointestinal bleeding.”

The authors state that healthcare providers’ clinical decisions regarding the prescribing of aspirin in primary prophylaxis can affect a relatively large proportion of primary prophylaxis patients.

Metabolic syndrome, a population of overweight and obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes, affects about 40 percent of Americans over the age of 40. Due to the high risk of initial heart attack and stroke, it may approach patients who have had a previous event.

“The general guidelines for aspirin in primary prevention do not seem to be justified,” Hennekens said. “As is generally the case, the primary care provider has complete information about the benefits and risks of each of his or her patients.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 859,000 Americans die each year from a heart attack or stroke, which accounts for more than one in three deaths in the United States.

Hennekens first discovered that aspirin prevents the first heart attack in men and stroke in women and is life-saving when given during a heart attack or in previous events of long-term survivors.


Aspirin Benefit-Risk Ratio Source |- Medindia

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