What is Acne?

Acne is a skin disorder that occurs when your hair follicles become plugged with sebum (oil substance) and dead skin cells that are always being shed by the body. Brace yourself it is usually not a serious health threat, but it can cause scars like whiteheads, blackheads or pimples.

Acne usually appears on the face, shoulder, chest, upper back, neck or upper arms. It is most common among teenagers, though it affects people of all ages.

Living with Teenage Acne

You do not have to feel bad if you looked yourself into the mirror one morning and found a disgusting looking zit because the majority of teenagers go through this distressing condition at some point of time in their teen life.

Several changes occur in your body and emotions while you step into adulthood because of hormone modifications. When hormones are highly active, the glands that are attached to hair follicles (sebaceous glands) produce more sebum—an oily substance that “lives” within the pores. When acne begins sometime between the ages of ten and thirteen, it is usually going to go on for five, or even ten, years.

The most severe cases in some teens start from the development of comedones. Comedones are skin-coloured, small bumps that frequently show up on the forehead and chin of those with acne. Some may be so small that they are not visible to the naked eye – these are called micro comedones. The heaviest breakouts will be at their worst at about 3 to 5 years after the first comedones appear.

The pimples and blackheads you’re experiencing right now should disappear sometime between ages of 20 and 25. However, the most severe cases nodular acne or cystic acne may not resolve until you’re 30 or over.

Most of all, try not to isolate yourself just because you’re breaking out. Take a look around you. Lots of the kids you know are also walking around with acne – your parents probably suffered with it as well when they were adolescents. Ask them. Acne has not singled you out besides, you’re not alone in feeling the way you do. By treating your acne properly, you can protect yourself from the emotional effects of your condition, and you can stop the breakouts from getting worse. Thanks to modern sciences, that is making the availability of medications possible.

Acne types and treatment

  • Whiteheads: Also known as closed Comedones are counted as pimples that stay closed at the surface of the skin. It occurs when oil and skin cells prevent clogged hair follicle from opening. Whitehead can pretty easily be combated with chemical exfoliation and thorough cleansing of the skin.
  • Blackheads: Are comedones that appear open on the skin surface. This open surface is filled with excess oil and dead skin cells. Dirt does not cause the comedones to turn black rather irregular reflection of light emanating from clogged hair follicles. Blackheads can frequently be treated with over-the-counter medications.
  • Papules: These are comedones that become inflamed, forming small red or pink bumps on the skin. This type of pimple may be sensitive to the touch. Picking or squeezing it can make the inflammation worse and may lead to scarring.
  • Pustules: Pustules are another kind of inflamed pimple. They resemble a whitehead with a red ring around the bump. The bump is typically filled with white or yellow pus. Avoid picking or squeezing pustules. Picking can cause scars or dark spots to develop on the skin. It can be treated with drying lotions or spot treatments; they respond pretty well to ingredients like BPO (Benzoyl peroxide)
  • Nodules: These are usually large, inflamed bumps that feel firm to the touch. They develop deep within the skin and are often painful. Nodules should be treated by a dermatologist. Over-the-counter treatments may not be powerful enough to clear them up, but prescription drugs can be effective.
  • Cysts: Cysts are closed capsule or sac-like structures, typically filled with liquid, semisolid, or gaseous material, very much like a blister and should be treated by a dermatologist. People who develop nodules and cysts are usually considered to have a more severe form of acne.


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