Studies have shown that COVID recovered patients can experience many complications, including the development of new diseases. One of the most prominent is diabetes, which has become more common in post-COVID patients.

While doctors have been saying that diabetes elevates the risk of complications, including death among COVID patients. But studies have shown that if you have diabetes, you’re more likely to become extremely unwell if you have a Covid infection. During the second wave, several diabetic patients reported higher blood sugar levels because of steroid use. It occurs because the liver produces more sugar during steroid treatment, or because steroids make it more difficult for the body to remove sugar from the blood.

Experts say that taking steroids may also cause your body to become insulin resistant. It is imperative to regularly monitor HbA1C levels, every 6 months after getting back on track from Covid infection is recommended for the patients.

Diabetes More Prominent In COVID Recovered Patients

Dr Sanjay Nagarkar, General Physician Apollo Spectra Pune Said “Diabetes is seen in those patients who recover from Covid -19. Symptoms of diabetes are now seen in patients who have recovered from Covid-19. In the Daily OPD, the number of diabetic patients has increased by 7 to 8 percent per day.”

“Steroids make it difficult for the body to move sugar from the blood, and one becomes resistant to insulin while on steroids. Post recovery from Covid, patients exhibit symptoms like increased thirst, frequent urination, blurred vision, slow healing of wounds, extreme tiredness. These patients may have prediabetes or preexisting condition before infection. But, owing to steroid and insulin-dependent treatment diabetes triggered. In these patients, Covid-19 impacts blood sugar levels inviting diabetes after Covid recovery that will last for a lifetime. Post-Covid patients need to be tested for diabetes every six months,” he continued.

Symptoms Of Diabetes You Should Look Out For

Post recovery, patients may develop the following symptoms of diabetes – increased thirst and increased frequency to pass urine, blurred vision, slow healing of wounds, extreme tiredness and inability to regain the lost weight. If you are facing any of the above-mentioned symptoms, you must get tested for diabetes.

Besides, Many Indian also have a genetic predisposition that puts them at risk for diabetes. Inflammatory markers that increase during covid expedite the process. There is also the possibility that the virus can directly affect the pancreas and reduce insulin secretion.

Here’s How To Manage Diabetes Symptoms

“Controlling diabetes is essential to avoid long-time consequences like nerve damage (neuropathy), kidney damage (nephropathy), eye damage (retinopathy), skin diseases, cardiovascular disease,” says Dr Keerthi Kotla, Consultant Pathologist, Apollo Diagnostic Pune.

She further explains, “regular monitoring of HbA1C levels is advised for all Covid patients. HbA1C normal level is 0-5.7 %, it gives the average blood glucose level of last 3 months, it is a simple blood test which can be done at most of the labs. Hyperglycemia in post-covid patients who were not on received steroids may showcase that the Coronavirus has triggered diabetes in them. About 100 tests are done per day, male to female ratio is 2:1, mostly among the mid-age group. The number of people diagnosed with diabetes has gone up compared to last year, due to lifestyle changes and also post covid treatment. Monitor blood sugar levels after every six months. Along with tests, eating a fibre-rich diet, exercising daily, sleeping properly, taking medication on time, and avoiding junk food and aerated drinks is essential to avoid complications.”


This post first appeared on The Health Site

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