Why Do I Always Feel Like I Have To Pee Even After Peeing? Frequent urination or the feeling to urinate after every few minutes can be one of the warning signs of something really serious that your body is trying to tell you.
Are you one of those who feel like peeing even after urinating? Well, this is not normal and calls for immediate medical intervention. Frequent urination or the feeling to urinate after every few minutes can be one of the warning signs of something really serious that your body is trying to tell you. Urinary Tract Infection or UTI can be a reason why you keep having the urge to pee but nothing comes out. Some of the other reasons can also include an infection in the bladder, overconsumption of caffeinated drinks, vaginitis, etc. Read on to know more about this condition and its causes.
Frequent urination means needing to urinate more times than usual in a typical day. What is the average number of times that one person should pee? According to the experts, peeing 6-8 times in 24 hours is considered normal for someone who is healthy. But when this frequency changes and the urge to pee increases, you must take it as a warning symptom of a serious health issue.
Frequent Urination? It Can Be A Warning Sign of These Diseases
- Urinary Tract Infection or UTI comes on the top of the list which talks about why you feel like peeing all the time.
- Interstitial cystitis
- Kidney stone
- Gallbladder stone, and also
- Diabetes. Yes, frequent urination is a warning symptom of diabetes.
Some of the other (rare) health complications that can cause frequent urination can also include:
- A warning symptom of stroke.
- Pelvic tumor.
- Having a prolapse of the female pelvic organs through the vagina.
- An overactive bladder
- Stress and anxiety
10 Symptoms To NEVER Ignore
There are a few symptoms that can tell you about your problem with urination. Yes, apart from feeling like peeing all the time, you can also look out for these symptoms to spot a problem with your urination:
- Acute pain during urination
- Feeling like you still have to pee even after peeing
- Smelly pee
- Cloudy or foamy pee
- Blood in urine
- Persistent back pain
- Abdominal pain
- Fever accompanied by chills
- Nausea or vomiting
- Unusual vaginal discharge
So, now that you know so much about why you always feel like peeing all the time. If you are facing this issue right now (while you are reading this), you can consider taking these tips –
- Consult a doctor immediately
- Avoiding drinking fluids before bed
- Cut down on your consumption of alcohol, caffeine, artificial sweeteners and acidic foods or beverages
- Try to include pelvic floor exercises (like Kegels) in your daily workout routine, it will help build your pelvic muscle strength and health
Be careful, stay safe!
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