I would like to put in a good word for Morrisons, the only supermarket with an intelligent management. Because they understand that elderly, self-isolating people may not be computer-literate. Other supermarkets only sell their goods via computer and answering machines. But if elderly customers ring Morrisons’ special line, they are answered by a real live person who takes their order by phone.
Marian Dodd (aged 87)
Cheam, London
• Your article (Scientists report flaws in WHO-funded study on 2-metre distancing, 14 June) states that “Critics of the distancing advice … seized on the research, which suggested that a reduction from 2 metres to 1 metre would raise infection risk only marginally from 1.3% to 2.6%”. According to my arithmetic an increase from 1.3% to 2.6% is a doubling of the risk. Hardly marginal.
Dr John Lincoln
• Can someone advise: what is a safe distance from a panting jogger?
Mary Ingham
Ramsgate, Kent
• What a total shambles this testing programme is. Testing kits sent out and being counted as tests done, then today I received a text message telling me the result of my test. Trouble is, it wasn’t intended for me. So if your initials are JP and you’re waiting for your result, I’m happy to tell you that it came back negative.
Val Prior
Waterlooville, Hampshire
• Your report (15 June) says the most likely number of contactable alien civilisations in the Milky Way is 36 . But surely it should be 42.
Andrew Tudor
Dalmally, Argyll and Bute
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The Guardian
Last Updated on June 16, 2020 by shalw