Healthy living is achievable with diets rich in fruits and vegetables which does not exclude beetroot.
Beetroots are popular root vegetables packed with loads of essential nutrients necessary for proper organ and body function.
They are researched to contain several vitamins and minerals such as fiber, folate also known as vitamin B9, manganese, potassium, iron, and vitamin C among many. Other plant compounds found in beetroots are betanin, inorganic nitrate, and vulgaxanthin.
Many people around the world use beetroots for different purposes. Some for medicinal purposes to treat ailments from inflammation to high blood pressure, while others use them in cuisines and foods.
Depending on who is calling, beetroots can be called beets. In Canada and the USA it is commonly known as beets while in British English it is referred to as beetroot. Other names used to identify beet are table beet, garden beet, red beet, dinner beet, or golden beet.
In comparison to other vegetables beets have a good content of sugar, meaning it can immensely be helpful in satisfying your sugar cravings. Beets are of different types and come in a variety of colours such as white, reddish-purple hue, golden-yellow or sometimes even multi-colored.
The scientific name for beetroot is Beta vulgaris which belongs to the family ‘Chenopodioideae’ – a subfamily of the flowering plant family Amaranthaceae.
Even though beets are very high on sugar, they are very low in calories and can benefit you by protecting your body against a good number of diseases and ailments.
The benefits of this mouth-watering vegetable extend to its juice. A glass cup of beets juice every morning can provide numerous amazing health benefits to men and women even babies and young children. It may help with blood flow, energy, mental and emotional health to mention a few.
The best way to eat beets is to eat them raw alone, or add them to your salad. Having them roasted with goat cheese or taking them as the juice is good as well. Cooking beets may cause losing it’s vital nutrients thus uncooked beets are better.
What sickness and disease can beetroots improve?
Beetroot vegetables can improve over a dozen number of diseases if not treat or cure them. Here are 13 health conditions you never knew beets could improve
1. High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is a serious health condition that causes different heart diseases such as heart failure, stroke, and heart attack and in some cases may lead to death. Studies [1, 2, 3] have shown this ailment can be controlled with beets or it’s products. Eating raw beet vegetables or drinking beetroot juice is one natural remedy that may help lower blood pressure in a matter of hours. Experts are of the opinion that the positive effects of beets on HBP (high blood pressure) may be due to the high amount of nitrates contained. This benefit can also be gained when you take dietary nitrates. Dietary nitrates are converted into nitric oxide, a molecule that expands the blood vessels, which in turn causes a reduction in blood pressure.
Although beetroot can be cooked it may not be as effective as the uncooked one in reducing high blood pressure. For a lasting result, eat beets regularly.
Also read:| Common factors that can cause high blood pressure
2. Inflammation
Beetroots may be an effective home remedy against chronic inflammation. It is thought to contain betalains, anti-inflammatory properties. One human research study showed that beetroot extract can help reduce the discomfort and pain associated with osteoarthritis. However more human research is required to support this claim as most of the studies were done using animals.
Also read:| How To Deal With Arthritis
3. Anemia
Anemia is a health condition caused by low levels of iron in the body. As a result, it leads to a lack of or inadequate red blood cells or hemoglobin in the body. Beetroot vegetables including beet juice are rich in iron minerals and can help fight or prevent anemia by increasing the haemoglobin levels in the blood. This delicious vegetable also contains Vitamin C among other vitamins, which helps the body easily absorb iron in a better way. Other nutrients found in this vegetable include potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, iodine, copper, carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamin B1, B2, B6, niacin, vitamin P
While making beetroot juice for anemia, try adding some carrot extract and/or tangy oranges. According to Delhi-based Nutritionist, Dr. Simran Saini, “Beetroots and carrots make a lovely pair and this combo is quite beneficial for those suffering from anemia.
4. DigestionÂ
Digestion is one of the health benefits of fiber. Beetroots are known to be rich and excellent sources of fiber, which helps improve digestion and consequently keep the gut health at bay. A cup of beets contains up to 3.4 grams of fiber, making it awesome for people with digestive problems such as constipation, inflammatory bowel disease, and diverticulitis to eat every day [4].
5. Cancer
Drinking a glass cup of beetroot juice a day may help keep different types of cancer away. Beetroot is researched to possess anti-cancer properties.
One study by PubMed showed that beetroot and its extract have high betalain pigments, which are effective against tumor division and growth in the breast. The study also evident that beetroot can help reduce the growth of prostate cells.
Eating beetroot may also help prevent lungs and skin cancer study [5].
In another study, it was revealed that beetroot juice especially one mixed with carrot extract can help in the treatment of leukemia. A blood cancer that affects your bone marrow.
In a nutshell, a few studies have shown that beets or its extracts can help combat cancer growth. However more scientific research is needed to substantiate this benefit of beetroot.
6. Liver Health
The amazing nutrients in beets such as calcium, betaine, B vitamins, iron, and antioxidants qualify it to be considered as the best liver foods. Eating these vegetables helps protect the liver from oxidative damage and inflammation [6]. Betaines, one of the nutrients in beets help to detoxify the liver and clear every eliminated toxin that may try finding its way back to the liver. A particular water-soluble fiber in beets known as ‘pectin’ can also help in the flushing process [7].
Also read:| Deficiency Of These Foods Can Cause You Liver Problem
7. Cataract
It’s not new that beta-carotene (vitamin A) helps improve eyesight and promote better vision. A cataract is an eye condition that affects the lens of the eye thereby causing a decrease in vision. One study has shown that beetroots(especially the green one) are rich in beta-carotene, which may help reduce the risk of cataracts and prevent age-related macular degeneration.
8. Osteoarthritis
A few vegetables may be bad for osteoarthritis patients, definitely not beets. Beets are among the good vegetables every osteoarthritis sufferer should add to their meals. According to research, beets are powerful vegetables that can be used to treat osteoarthritis. The presence of nitrates and silica in beetroot increases it possibility of treating osteoarthritis. However the research supporting this claim is limited. Thus more research is required.
9. Dandruff
Beetroot is one of the best home remedies you can use to treat itchy scalp or dandruff. This plant contains vitamin C which is popularly known to boost your immune system and work wonders on your skin including the scalp. You can get rid of dandruff with beetroot (white beet is better) by boiling the top and root of the beet in water and then using the water on your scalp every night.
Also read:| How vitamin C boosts your immune systemÂ
10. Brain Health
The nutrient “nitrates” found in beetroot extract can help improve mental and cognitive function. They may help reduce the risk of dementia and cognitive declination caused by age or reduction in blood flow and oxygen supply. To promote brain health nitrates dilate the blood vessels which increases the blood flow to the brain, thus enhancing brain function [8].
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11. High Sugar Level
Though beets are high in natural sugar, they can be very helpful in reducing the blood glucose level. Studies have shown, that the fiber from sugar beets can reduce hyperglycemia and suppress postprandial glycemia [9 10].
Also read:| 10 science proven ways to lower your blood sugar levels naturally
12. Sexual Health
Does beet improve libido and sex drive? Eating beets or drinking its juice may be beneficial to your sexual health. They are good sources of boron, a bioactive element responsible for the production of sex hormones in the body[11]. Betaine, another nutrient present in beet works together with boron to give you a relaxed mind, happiness, and increase your sexual urge. According to one study, the effect of beetroot on sexual health cannot be overemphasized as it can help treat sexual weakness in adults.
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13. Energy and Stamina
Beets have been shown by scientists to boost energy, increase stamina, and improve body weakness. No wonder athletes are encouraged to consume them 2-3 hours before training or competing on a regular basis. The presence of nitrates in beets elevates physical performance by improving the efficiency of mitochondria, a semi-autonomous double-membrane-bound organelle responsible for producing the energy needed to power the cells in your body. Daily consumption of beets can increase your oxygen use, improve your cycling and athletic performance by up to 20%.
Beetroot nutritional contents
One cup of beets (136 grams) contains calories (58), carbohydrates (13 g), fiber (4 g), and protein (2 g).
Other nutrients in beets and their nutritional facts include:
- Calcium ——- 22 mg
- Iron ———- 1 mg
- Magnesium —– 31 mg
- Phosphorus —- 54 mg
- Zinc ———- 47 mg
- Manganese —– 44 mg
- Vitamin C —– 6 mg
- Potassium —– 442 mg
- Betaine ——- 175 mg
- Folate ——– 148 mcg
- Vitamin A —– 45 IU
Beetroots also have inorganic nitrates and pigments, both are plant compounds with an incredible number of health benefits.
Source (USDA)
There are several ways to incorporate this vegetable into your diets. Eating them raw or uncooked is one of them. Roasting them is another way. grating them into your meal or salad is part of it. You can also make a smoothie or juice with beetroot. Here is how to make beets juice.
How To Make Beetroot Juice
1 beetroot
1-2 oranges
1 large carrot
7-8 mint leaves
- Wash the beetroot and carrot with clean water
- put washed carrot and beet in a clean bowl and peel
- after peeling, cut both vegetables into small sizes
- put them into juicer along with mint leaves
- extract the juice out of the two ingredients into a cup
- now, wash the oranges and slice in half
- extract its juice using an orange squeezed.
- Pour out the orange juice into a cup and mix with the liquid extract of beetroot and carrot
- stir with a spoon to mix properly
- you can add black salt to enhance its flavour (optional)
Now your beetroot juice drink is ready. If you prefer it chilled, refrigerate for a few minutes.
Dietary Supplements
Deficiency in essential vitamins and minerals can be dangerous to health and thus balancing up with dietary supplements is required especially when you are not gaining enough nutrients from natural foods. Here is a list of the best dietary supplements you can use to ward off nutrient deficiency or lack. All products are available on AmazonÂ
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Read more about:| Nutrition and Diseases