In yet another incident of death due to heart conditions among young adults, an 18-year-old from Telangana succumbed to a massive heart attack on Tuesday night. According to the reports, the student was a native of Pothgal of Mustabad Mandal, Balakrishna, and was studying intermediate first year in a private college. Speaking to the media, the family members of the boy shared that the first few signs and symptoms that he suffered were chronic chest pain, followed by sudden congestion and massive breathing issues. After the symptoms appeared, the boy was immediately taken to a private hospital and was later shifted to Delhi, where he succumbed to the condition.
The incident brings back the urgency to spread awareness about this condition and how it can affect anyone and everyone, irrespective of age and gender. Scroll down to know more about heart attacks and how you can keep the condition under control.
What Is A Heart Attack?
A condition in which the heart suddenly stops working due to the unavailability of blood flow is what is called a heart attack. This condition is primarily triggered by risk factors such as high levels of bad cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, etc.
Symptoms of Heart Attack
A heart attack doesn’t come with a set of symptoms all the time, sometimes it can be silent and fatal. However, here is a list of some common signs and symptoms of an impending heart attack:
- Sweating profusely
- Chest discomfort
- Chest pain
- Numbness in the upper body, especially on the neck, jaws, etc.
- Breathing issues
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Not able to keep the body balance on track
The above-mentioned signs are commonly seen among people whose heart is not working properly. Also, when these symptoms appear, one must immediately get their health checked. There are various tips that one should follow in order to keep the heart healthy and happy. Some of the lifestyle habits that one can incorporate in their daily life:
- Eating healthy
- Exercising regularly
- Quit smoking
- Avoiding too much alcohol
- Keeping stress at bay
(Disclaimer: It is highly recommended that one should consult a physician or a health expert before making any changes to their diet and lifestyle routine.) How 18-Year-Old Succumbed to Massive Heart Attack
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Last Updated on December 13, 2022 by shalw