Reason For Migraine: These 3 Research-Backed Foods Could Be The Cause Of Your Headache

The reason for migraine sometimes is tied around what we eat and drink or consume. Good food, proper hygiene, exercise, good sleep, and regular check-up are very much recommended to give you body wellness.

Migraines are neurological disorders that trigger pain in part of the head, it is a very common disorder in the United States, about 12% of the population have this genetic disorder.

It can start as a throbbing headache that gets worse with physical activity, sound, or light. It can linger for hours or days and produce fatigue, visual disruption, discomfort, and numbness, Mayo clinic.

Migraine may be a serious disease as it’s been thought to be a painful ailment that degrades one’s quality of life.

According to research, the main cause of migraines is not established. However, some foods can trigger the condition by disrupting the nerve signals, neurotransmitters, and blood vessels in the brain.

Here is a list of foods, perhaps are the reason for migraines, if you have the condition.

Reason For Migraine: These 3 Research-Backed Foods Could Be The Cause Of Your Headache

What Is The Reason For Migraine – 7 Foods that can cause the condition

Coffee: A study found that drinking too much coffee can be a reason for migraine. Taking a moderate amount of coffee is OK, excessive amounts should be avoided. People who are prone to migraines may have greater headaches after drinking too much coffee, perhaps due to effects on serotonin or brain electrical activity.

Red Wine: is red wine bad for migraines? Red wine contains tyramine and histamine which has been confirmed by a study to be a reason for migraine.

In agreement with this claim, Healthline, suggest that Alcohol dilates blood vessels in the brain, resulting in a headache. Red wine, in particular, has long been suspected of causing migraines. 

Chocolate: The most common dietary trigger of a migraine is chocolate, which has been epidemiologically linked to migraine episodes, and the traditional recommendation provided by doctors to migraine patients is to avoid it, NCBI.

Another study, also agreed that about 42% of those who complain of migraine complains of chocolate being a culprit.


Other foods that can be a reason for migraine include: 

Lemons: Migraine sufferers frequently report that lemons trigger their symptoms, though this may not be the case for everyone.

Peanuts: Consuming peanuts can cause migraines because they contain tyramine, which has been linked to migraines.

Cheese: “What now?” you might be thinking. “Even cheese?” you ask. Other cheeses such as chider, swiss, and mozzarella are not the culprits, but aged cheese is because of the ingredient histamine, which has been demonstrated to be a migraine trigger.

Seasoning: MSG (monosodium glutamate) is used to preserve food spices and has been linked to migraines in studies.


Types of Migraine


Aura Migraine: This is a more complicated migraine, those who experience this type of migraine previously experience a symptom known as aura, around 20% of people with migraine experience an aura.

Non-Aura migraine: This is a less complicated type of migraine, it occurs without the aura symptoms

Hemiplegic migraine: When this type of migraine occurs, you may experience temporary paralysis, a part of your body may be numb, weak or a complete loss of sensation, it may come with pain or not.

Non-Head-Pain migraine: As the name suggests, doesn’t occur with head pain as it is common with migraines, but it usually occurs with an aura, it is also known as acephalgic migraine

Ocular migraine: Also known as retinal migraine is a type of migraine that occurs with a partial or complete loss of vision in one part of your eye, there is also a dull ache behind the eye that may spread to other parts of the head.

The vision loss is temporary, it may last for several minutes or months, when you experience this, you should consult a professional health care provider as this may indicate a serious underlying condition.

Brainstem-aura migraine: this type of migraine occurs with symptoms like double vision, loss of balance, slurred speech, and a headache that may affect the back of your head.

Chronic migraine: When a migraine occurs for at least 15 days in a month, it is known as chronic migraine, the symptoms and severity may change.

Critical migraine: this is a severe and rare type of migraine that occurs with an extremely painful headache, it may last up to 72hrs or 3 days.

Does migraine have a cure?

There is currently no cure for migraines. Medications, on the other hand, can help prevent or stop them, as well as protect your symptoms from growing worse. You can also stay away from substances that cause migraines.

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