
A cough is a reflex brought on by irritation of the respiratory lining in the lungs, windpipe, and throat. It’s the body’s way of removing the irritation.

A persistent cough can be frustrating and uncomfortable. Often times, it is associated with the symptoms of cold or flu and can last for over a week. The symptom takes time to clear up after a chest infection.

Though it usually clear up on their own within 3-4 weeks, but it is better to treat it to avoid chest hurt or pressure and there are a number of medicines that can help to ease the symptoms.

Medical professionals over the years have treated patients with effective over the counter medicines. Every cough has its suitable treatments. Medicine that works for chesty coughs is most likely not good enough for dry coughs.


What is Chesty Cough?

A chesty cough occurs as a result of too much mucus being produced, which may be thick and difficult to cough up. Using medicines containing active ingredients such as guaifenesin, ipecacuanha, ammonium chloride, and squill can help to break up any excess mucus that may have accumulated. These ingredients are known as expectorants.

Medicines for a chesty cough                                   





What is Dry Cough?

For a dry tickly cough, an over the counter medicine containing a cough suppressant to block the natural coughing reflex, such as pholcodine and dextromethorphan, should help.

Medicines for dry coughs



Home Remedies
While taking your cough medicine, take the following natural steps to alleviate persistent symptoms.

• Drink plenty of fluids. Hot drinks made with honey and lemon works better.

• Stream inhalation. Pour boiling water into a large bowl and try inhaling some stream with a tea towel over your head to loosen up mucus in your airways.

• Suck a lozenge or cough sweet. It will keep the back of the throat moist to soothe a cough.

• Try vitamin supplements. Supplements including zinc, vitamin C and echinacea may boost your immune system.

• Gargle warm salt. Water Salt water should help clear away viruses and bacteria at the back of the throat.

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