Ayurveda And Osteoporosis – Dr I Unnikrishnan tells us that Ayurveda can be a fantastic method to regenerate bone health.

As life expectancies increase and populations age, age-related problems arise. The greatest fear in seniors’ minds is falling and breaking a bone, which may severely impact their most-important need mobility. Bathrooms are the most common areas for these falls. As we draw awareness towards this critical asset, it’s worth looking at the single-most-important factor contributing to 80% of mobility problems breaking brittle bones after a fall! So, it’s worth looking at what this dreaded word means. It’s also worth looking at what we can do to buy insurance!

What Is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease in which the bones become fragile from tissue loss, typically due to hormonal changes or deficiency of Calcium or Vit D. Enlightening us further, we have Dr I Unnikrishnan, Medical Director, Itoozhi Ayurveda, Centre for Collaborative Medicine, tells us how Ayurveda can be a great way to accelerate the rejuvenation of bone health.

Symptoms Of Osteoporosis

Signs include back pain caused by a fractured/collapsed vertebra, loss of height with time, a stooped posture and a minor fall resulting in a fracture. However, the most significant culprit in poor bone health is eating habits that don’t have enough calcium and Vitamin D. Sedentary lifestyles accentuate this cause.

Good Eating Habits

Just 30 minutes of brisk walking / weight-bearing exercises like Yoga and Tai Chi a day can strengthen bones and stimulate bone cells to grow! Using supplements for Calcium and Vit D is a good option, too, in addition to exercising. We hasten to add that ageing is not the only cause of osteoporosis. Conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, chronic kidney disease, and lifestyle factors such as drinking, smoking, or drug abuse can also increase risk levels. However, results can be fantastic if done with good eating habits and a healthy diet.

Osteoporosis And Ayurveda

Ayurveda can be a great way to accelerate the rejuvenation of bone health and can work in tandem with allopathic interventions. Basti Therapies like Nirhua /Anuvasana and prescribed diets can work wonders. Osteoporosis is preventable and manageable it depends on how early you want to learn how! So let’s get you started on this journey of strength.

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