Hypersomnia is a condition due to which people could feel extremely sleepy even after sleeping for more than 7 hours at night. A lot of people might be experiencing this condition but may not know about it. This medical condition might seem harmless but certain serious illnesses might be causing this.
People who suffer from this condition experience symptoms like being able to fall asleep at any time. It could be at work or even when they are driving. Other symptoms would include feeling tired, drowsy, sleep-related problems, a severe lack of energy, and also might have trouble thinking with a clear mind.
What Is Hypersomnia?
There is a huge difference between just feeling sleepy during the day to poor sleep at night and feeling constantly sleepy due to hypersomnia. Hypersomnia is when a person feels excessive sleepiness all throughout the day. It is very different from feeling sleepy just during the day. In this particular condition, a person might feel sleepy even after he or she has slept for around 7-8 hours. He or she might still feel exhausted and keep sleeping all throughout the day ultimately exceeding the normal sleep requirement.
There are several potential causes of hypersomnia, including:
- Sleep disorders such as narcolepsy which is also referred to as daytime sleepiness and sleep apnea, also referred to as breathing interruptions during sleep could be causing hypersomnia.
- Not getting adequate sleep at night.
- Obesity and being overweight.
- Idiopathic hypersomnia.
- Excess alcohol consumption or drug abuse.
- Any neurological disease like Parkinson’s or multiple sclerosis or even a head injury
- A head injury or a neurological disease, such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease
- Prescription drugs, such as tranquilizers or antihistamines.
- It could be genetic.
- Depression.
Coping Mechanisms For Patients
Here are ways people can cope with the condition of hypersomnia.
- Schedule your bedtime and follow that regularly.
- Do not drink any drinks which are caffeinated, especially several hours before your bedtime.
- Do not consume alcohol before sleeping.
- Avoid any kind of stimulant like nicotine before sleeping, these products will only delay sleep and also cause erratic and disturbed sleep.
- There are certain kinds of foods that take time to digest and might also impact your sleep. It is best if you get a dinner diet chart made by an expert.
- If you know that you have this condition, it is best that you avoid activities like driving.
- Do not take late night shifts, this will only mess up your circadian clock and your symptoms might become more severe. Home